Monday, June 29, 2009

I Heart My Job

Maybe one day I will have some followers...maybe one day I will have the time to blog on a daily basis!

Being an ER nurse is not the easiest job in the world--yeah the money is great but sometimes I think having a little bit of sanity is priceless! Just the other day at work I had an involuntary commitment (a.k.a. crazy,homicidal, suicidal, or just all 3 wrapped into 1). I took him his breakfast tray--the conversation went as follows:

me--"hello, here is some breakfast if you're hungry"(the breakfast tray consisted of eggs, bacon, carton of milk and oj)

him--"I can't eat"

nuff said--I leave.

30 minutes later....this guy is trying to walk out the front door. Security!!!

He starts yelling "I want to talk to the doctor!!! I want a phone to call my wife!!!" (his wife is the one who had him committed)

I told him "Sorry but you can't have a phone right now."

He says "I'm thirsty and you guys can't even give me anything to drink!!!"

Oh hell no!! I know he just didn't say that when 30 minutes prior I had gave him a meal that any homeless person would have killed for.

I proceed to show him that on the bedside table sit a meal tray where not 1 but 2 digestible liquids sit untouched!! He then says "How can I reach it when it is sitting all the way over there?"

I then respond by saying "Dude! The same way you almost walked out the front door!!"

And then comes my verbal abuse for the day---his response "Shut the f**k up you ugly fat ass bitch!! You f**king whore!!"

My co-worker quickly tells me "Kristi, you're not ugly!"

Aww jee thanks!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's Been Awhile.........

Well I think i'm gonna try this whole blogging thing again since I have been on a 3 month hiatus--from what I don't know! I enjoy reading blogs and I hope I will get some followers to read mine one day!! I'm a talker so don't mind me if I type like I'm talking!!

Following up on my previous post----I am NOT pregnant...yet....maybe one day there will be another Horton joining our household...probably when I'm in my forties and going through what my mama calls "the change." Which I have never really understood. The change of what?? No periods for the rest of your life---hell yes!! Just call it menopause people!!!

Anyways my parents are on a 2 week long vacation in California and I'm starting to miss them just a little bit. They'll be back on the 26th--thank goodness!! My kids need their babysitters I'm starting to lose it!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So I'm just gonna ramble tonight......I went to the ob-gyn yesterday--woo-hoo--big fun! We're trying to conceive #5 (well only #3 for me). My nurse practitioner was hyped up about putting me on Clomid and then realized my blood pressure was 160/104! I've not been taking my HCTZ as directed--but being a RN makes you your own WORST patient. So I've started taking my medication again with the hopes of keeping my BP down and starting the Clomid in a few weeks. Today I woke up feeling like dog crap--sinus drainage and a sore throat. I got my dad to pick the kids up at school so they're spending the night with the parents. I have a whole house to myself and I have to admit it's eerily quiet. Oh my sweet dear husband is a paramedic so he works 24 hour shifts and that's another reason the house is so quiet.

I'm still completely irritated that I can't figure this whole blog layout---I conquered Myspace and Facebook---why am I still having such a hard time!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Help Me Please!

Ok so I've played around with my settings and now I'm really frustrated!! Someone PLEASE help me!! I want to change my background but everytime I do my template shows up with my background and it looks really stupid!! I know it's probably really simple but my brain is fried right now! Any suggestions would be really appreciated! Thanks!!

My 1st Blog

So anyway--I'm new to the blogging scene so be patient with me. I read my friend Christie's blog and loved it so much I decided to start my own. My name is Kristi and as my title shows--yes the 1st 2 husbands are for practice. It took me 2 marriages to find the man of my dreams. Oh the stories I could tell about my 2nd marriage--I could write a book---those stories can come later. My husband Roger and I have 4 children. He brought 2 (Catherine & Austin) and I brought 2 (Kobe & Khloe Belle--she refuses to be called Khloe Belle anymore) into the marriage. We will be celebrating our 2nd anniversary on May 12 and during that time we will be on out 1st cruise!! Yay!! I'm so excited---we're going to the Grand Cayman Islands and Cozumel, Mexico. I'm counting down the days!